„… I am the German teacher at La Grange High School in La Grange, Texas. As part of our ongoing exchange with the Kaiserin Augusta Schule in Cologne through the German American Partnership Program (GAPP) we accompagnied a group of 8 high-school students to Germany from May 31 to June 24. La Grange, is a small town of 5,000 inhabitants. The trip to the German capital of 4 million was an eye-opening experience on various levels. Overall, the time in Berlin was a positive growth experience and one of the major highlights was making new friends at the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Schule (FMBS), where we made presentations to two different 10th grade classes. … We presented and answered questions during the first block. In the second block, we had them break into small groups for continued discussion on a more personal level. Some students even exchanged contact information. …”
Source: From the project report