(according to the board resolution of October 1, 2008)
1. Exchange projects between the Checkpoint Charlie Foundation (CCS) in Germany and in the USA should normally be planned bilaterally. The goal is the mutual acquaintanceship with both cultural regions and their differences.
2. In planning these projects the varying rules and legal regulations of both countries are to be respected by both partners.
3. For all activities in Germany the CCS will thus respect the customary rules of our cultural region.
4. This is absolutely necessary especially with all projects sponsored by public funds, because deviations would mean that subsidies would be cancelled.
5. Among the differences between the USA and Germany there are varying rules for the protection of personal data. Thus, in Germany and therefore for the CCS, questions about the skin color, religion, and sexual preference of participants are protected by law and are therefore legally inadmissible.
6. For all school projects and thus especially for activities involving teachers and pupils, all officially accredited schools in Germany are our partners. This means all schools that are supported publicly or privately and that are entirely or mostly financed by tax money. These include, for example, all Europe (bilingual) schools, all schools with particular teaching emphasis, and schools with religious connections. The CCS will not participate in illegal discrimination of parts of the German school system.